Images | Tiles | Coasters | Glass Cutting Boards

Image prices and availability are listed under each magnified image in the paintings section and below:
  • Card = $5.00
  • 8x10* = $20
  • 11x14** = $35
  • Limited Edition*** = $95
    *Image size 5x7, 8x10 with mat.
   **Image size 8x10, 11x14 with mat.
  ***Image size 12x18, 18x24 with mat.

All prints are hand signed and matted with an off-white archival mat and backing. They are protected in a clear plastic envelope. Longevity of the prints is approximately 95 years.

To order a painting, please contact Mary by phone or email.

8 x 10 tiles are $40 each

4.25 x 4.25 coasters are $10 each
Glass Cutting Boards

8 x 11.25 glass cutting boards are $40 each